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Photography and more ...

Welcome to the OCC Darkroom section on photography

Photography at OCC

As a camera club we aim to help members both enjoy the art of photography and also technical aspects such as How does my camera work? Where do I find inspiration? How do I light my subjects? the list is endless.

Over the last few years the blog on the main website has recorded many events but trying to find interesting articles can be challenging. 

Many of our new members joining the club have lots of questions and often find it difficult first of all to describe the problem and secondly to get answers. But please let us assure you all members face this problem so do ask questions. At the same time please spend a few minutes browsing through our past blogs and if anything whets your appetite then let us know. Throughout the year we unfortunately get cancellations in the club programme so we can use such evenings as an opportunity to revisit some of previous practicals. Sadly trying to rebook some of the previous speakers can be can be prohibitively expensive but practicals can often be revisited. The committee have to same problem when faced with a cancellation what do we do?

Programme Suggestions

Developing a programme of events can be very stressful for our committee. Each year we look out for new speakers and subject matter experts to bring you the best in photography across all genres and within our financial means.

If you come across any speakers, etc which you feel would be appreciated by members do get in touch. Remember the success of the club relies on the participation of all members.

Likewise if you are new to the club or photography in general lets us know which topics you would like us to explore and we'll try and include them in the programme. 

The programme is always subject to change, as we are occasionally tripped up by speakers not being able to joins us. Any prepared talk you can give at short notice is always welcome for 'Plan B'. It might be a short demo, or a experience of some genre of photography, there are no set rules.

OCC YouTube Channel


Did you know we have our ownYouTube. This contains short promotions forthcoming events, Out and About events and hints and tips. This resource is new but is expected to grow considerably over the coming months.

If you have any suggestions, views you would like to feature on our channel please get in touch with the committee via the usual methods. But do remember we have to follow normal copyright constraints, as any failures here may result in a take-down notice from YouTube.

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