Photo Processing Session 2
Thursday 11th Feb 2021
This meeting saw us following up on our earlier Photo Processing session with an insight to the uses Photoshop can have for processing images. Although the previous session had a "Beginners" and an "Advanced" groups, our more Advanced Leader was feeling a little worse for wear due to his inoculation that very morning. It fell then to our erstwhile "Beginners" Leader, Richard Sells to take the whole club through various aspects of the features he uses in Photoshop. Firstly, it must be remembered that PS has many different ways of achieving the same result and that other Photo Processing Programmes are available and do the basics as well as PS although they may call functions by a different name and have a different layout, so even people using these programmes could get something from the presentation. Richard went through a fair few features too - showcasing Layers, Layer Masks, Sharpening using High Pass Filter, Sky Replacements and Textures. Richard's teaching skills really showed through and there was something for a lot of people to learn even seasoned Pro's. Big thank you to Richard for his effort and time. We hope to keep these kind of "in house" sessions going into the future, enabling our members to get the most out of the images they take and want to display.
